Understanding How The Brain Responds To Music

How often do you unknowingly start snapping your fingers, tapping your toes, and dancing when music starts playing? It is obvious that music affects us physically, but how does the brain respond to music? In truth, the interaction between music and the brain is a strong one. Be it mood, emotions, brain development, learning, and overall wellbeing, music affects us more than one may realize. Read this article to understand how the brain responds to music.

Music and Wellbeing

There is a strong association between music and our general wellbeing. When the brain processes music, one of the first reactions that take place is that pleasure centers are triggered. This reaction releases dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that makes people feel happiness. It is a very fast response, which means that when one is listening to familiar music, the brain is able to anticipate the pleasurable points and gives itself a dopamine rush in advance.

Other than making people feel happy, it has also been shown that music can bring positive impact to health. Studies have found that listening to music is linked to leaps in immunity-boosting antibodies and cells to protect the body against harmful organisms. Furthermore, music therapy is also used to treat various health conditions, such as depression and Parkinson’s disease.

Music and Brain Development

Music has been found to play a key role in brain development. Learning to play a musical instrument is believed to bring a raise in gray matter volume in certain parts of the brain. This is why people who are trained in music often experience an improvement in their cognitive functions. In a learning context, music can enhance language development, auditory processing, and memory.

Does Genre Matter?

Many of the benefits that music can have on the brain are not limited to specific genres. Whether you are listening to country, rap, jazz, metal, or post-hardcore music, as long as the music suits your preferences, your brain can benefit from them. The critical part of it is to listen to music that the brain is familiar with and enjoy. In other situations, the genre of music does matter. If you want to choose music that is the most suitable for learning, it is recommended that upbeat music with positive lyrics can prepare the brain for learning. For situations in which you need to concentrate, instrumental and soothing genres are more suitable to help you maintain focus.

If you are looking to enroll your child into an award-winning music education program, look no further than Mind Muzic. We have a wide variety of lessons covering different subjects to boost your child’s brain development, enhance cognitive functions, and make learning fun for them. Contact us today to let us know how we can meet your children’s learning needs with music education.