
Nostradamus was a French philosopher, astrologer as well as a physician who gained fame by predicting future events. These prophecies were written down in a collection of poems that Nostradamus published in the 15th century. Nostradamus is popular today and his work regularly features in various art forms such as books, movies, and TV shows. Many major events in the last century are often followed by claims that Nostradamus had predicted the event in his poetry.

About Nostradamus

Nostradamus was born on the 14th of December in 1503 and was originally born in a Jewish family. Nostradamus attended the university of Avignon but never completed his degree course as the university was closed after the outbreak of the plague. He tried to resume his education later at the University of Montpellier but was expelled from the university when the administration learned about his work as an apothecary. Sadly, Nostradamus lost his first family to the plague in 1531. He would later remarry in 1550 and went on to have six children with his second wife.

Popular Facts about Nostradamus

  • Although Nostradamus is famous for his poetry collection that details various prophecies, we published other books during his lifetime. One of the books that he published was a cookbook. Here, Nostradamus offered suggestions on how to make Cherry jam, candied orange peel, and much more. Nostradamus also published other materials that detailed cosmetic tricks such as producing blonde hair dye and much more.
  • One of the unique features of Nostradamus predictions is that they were based on historical events. This has led many historians to say that Nostradamus was not a seer but rather a good student of history who believed that history often repeats itself.
  • Even during his lifetime, Nostradamus was no stranger to controversy. His writings and predictions of the future drew a lot of criticism from scientists and scholars. His claim to being an astrologer was fiercely contested by other astrologers who argued that Nostradamus could not even calculate the movement of any of the heavenly bodies. His work however did get some positive reviews and he was even once invited by the Queen of France to draw up horoscopes for her children.
  • During the Second World War, it was not uncommon for the Allies and the Axis propaganda experts to use Nostradamus’ work in order to spread disinformation to the other side. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of Information relied heavily on Nostradamus’ work to prove to citizens, especially those in neutral countries, that a Nazi victory was inevitable.

Nostradamus History Lessons | What Mind Muzic Offers

Learning about historical giants such as Nostradamus can be a lot of fun if you use Mind Muzic’s learning approach. We create fun and informative hip-hop videos and music to teach children about such historical figures. It is proven that children learn better when they are enjoying themselves and nothing is more interesting to children than music. We tap into this love of music to help children learn and have fun in the process.

Why Learn More about Nostradamus through Mind Muzic?

When you are subscribing for a streaming license to our music, you can have peace of mind that our music is wholesome and suitable for all families. Our team of experts spends a lot of time creating the best possible music. This expertise and focus on quality are demonstrated by the numerous awards that our music has won over the years.

If you have any questions about our Great People Lessons, including Nostradamus lessons, do not hesitate to contact us today.